kristian about page-revised.png
Spend more time appreciating where you are than you do stressing about your next level.
— Kristian A Smith

A cultural curator is one who specializes in gathering and interpreting cultural content. In other words, they connect the dots.

It's not enough to just call Kristian a clothier, or a pastor, or a stylist, or a theologian, or a podcaster, or a consultant, or a speaker, or a spiritual director, or a leader. While people have called on Kristian to serve in all of these roles, none of them fully defines what he does.

As a Cultural Curator Kristian helps his clients and congregants develop how they see themselves on the inside and how others see them externally. He understands that God looks at your heart and humans look at your outer appearance. His mission is to help you maximize both.

Don’t confuse self-love with being self-absorbed.
— Kristian A Smith

He is also the lead style consultant with P-Squared Custom Clothiers where he develops the professional images of his male and female clients. Kristian is a fashion aficionado, a foodie and a cigar enthusiast who enjoys lifting weights (but hates cardio). He is married to his beautiful wife, Pamela Merritt.